The Power of Art

We have a language: not of the tongue, but of the heart and soul. We can speak it in any place on the earth and people will respond; they will cry, they will laugh, they will dance and they will be changed by the experience. We do not need to alter our pitch or change our colors to be understood. 

Religion, race, creed, sex, and nationality have often been divisive in our global village. They have led to wars and brutality. They accentuate our differences. Art becomes universal when it avoids all this. Art follows life and life is much too busy animating the world to be bothered with bigotry or hate.  

Art does this by appealing directly to the centerpiece; the heart. Our work can create strong impact, but does so without force. We permeate. We work with the invisible threads of emotion. These strands cannot be cut with steel. 

This is the power of art. It can go where no government, no army, no conglomerate can penetrate. It goes quietly and purposefully from human essence to human essence, connecting us in meaningful ways that can help bring about sustainability for the Arts and our planet.


On Being Male

